For Your Consideration
This teaching is for every true believer, i.e., those who have received Jesus Christ as their Savior. Jesus said in John 14:17, the world, i.e., those who have not received Christ, cannot receive the “Spirit of truth.” It is especially targeted for those who want to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).
I realize some may not go any further in reading this blog because of the subject matter and their presupposition to it, but I hope you will continue.
Based on experience, historical comments and observation, it seems the subject of the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues has unfortunately been somewhat “controversial”, depending on one’s background and upbringing.
My goal in this blog series is to hopefully bring some clarity to the subject and not add any controversy or confusion, but to simply share what the scriptures record on this matter. The subject of the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues has caused much anxiety in the body of Christ over the centuries.
Right Out of the Gate
When reading the events of the day of Pentecost (50 days after Jesus’ resurrection) in Acts chapter 2, we see that right “out of the gate” so to speak, people questioned the legitimacy of this experience. (Some even thought they were drunk at 9:00 a.m.)
So, I am indeed aware of the so called “controversy” and division this subject can and has caused. But there really should not be any “controversy” or debate about a matter that is clearly recorded in scripture, if we believe “all scripture is inspired by God and is beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness” as 2 Timothy 3:16 states. (nasb20)

I am also aware there has been abuses and a misuse of this gift that God has given to His people. I totally understand that as I have seen or heard misuses myself. However, we should not allow what people have done, dissuade us from receiving a gift from God, which He wants to be a benefit to us. My only request as you read this, is that you at least be open to what God has had recorded for our benefit in the scriptures. Please be open and try to put aside any bad experiences you may have had or teaching(s) that are not consistent with scriptures.
But before we get into the specific scriptures and break them down in context, I want to approach this from a simple angle that I think will explain why so many true believers in Jesus Christ, i.e., those who have been born again/from above, (John 3:3), those who truly love God and are endeavoring to “abide in His word” (John 8:31) the best they know how, have yet to receive this gift.
A correct Biblical understanding on this subject will require a thorough use of many scriptures as examples, which will necessitate this being a multi part teaching. To get the full scope of what I believe will benefit you immensely, please read and listen to (there will also be a three-part video) all parts on this subject.
First, it would help to give a little background information, along with some scriptures to aid that, then some secular facts that I think are useful to illustrate the point I want to make. Jesus Himself at times used everyday illustrations or facts, to communicate spiritual truths to help us get a get better understanding of what He was teaching.
Tradition or Scripture?
The NUMBER ONE reason why it is clear most true believers, DO NOT speak “with other languages/tongues” is because there is very little, if any, sound, Biblical Teaching on it. And the primary reason that there is so little if any teaching on this subject is because it goes against “churches” DENOMINATIONAL Doctrine, more specifically, their TRADITION!
The two go hand in hand. This is a very point important to understand.
There are over 160 separate Christian Denominations in the United States and many more scattered throughout the whole world!
Now to be clear, I am NOT against church. I go to church, and I am under authority so to speak.
But Jesus said it best in Mark 7:13, in speaking to the Pharisees and scribes, “making the Word of God of no effect through your TRADITION on which you have handed down. And many such things you do.” (emphasis mine) (nkjv)
He was speaking about and directly to the religious leaders of His day. The Pharisees were a group of Jewish leaders who rose to prominence in the Second Temple Period. The Babylonians destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem in 587 BC. The time AFTER the Jew’s Return from Exile is Known as the Second Temple period. It was a time when the Gentiles were constantly encroaching upon the Jewish people, their Customs, and Religion. The Pharisees were a group that set out to preserve the Jews from this perceived threat.
So, their intent was probably a noble one.
The very name “Pharisee” is derived from the Hebrew word that means “to separate.” But like “RELIGION” always does when trying to be right with God through human effort or works alone, they went too far.
Notice what Jesus said in Mark 7:7, “And in VAIN they worship Me, Teaching as Doctrines the Commandments OF MEN.” (emphasis mine). He is quoting Isaiah 29:13 and applying it to His day but using the word commandment instead of precept.
The Pharisees were very zealous for the Law of Moses, but they also considered themselves the guardians of the ORAL traditions developed over generations. Again, JESUS’ Words in Mark 7:13 to the Jewish Religious leaders of His day, “making the Word of God of No effect through your TRADITION on which you have handed down.” (The disciple Matthew also recorded this same event in chapter 15 of the gospel God inspired him to write.)
What the Bible Says About Speaking in Other Tongues
The ancient church fathers, the disciples of the Apostles, (Polycarp, Ignatius, Clement of Rome, Irenaeus and others), taught the New Testament is The Final authority for Christians. They stated anyone requiring someone to believe a doctrine that is not clearly taught in Scripture should be ignored.
Well, this doctrine is clearly taught in scripture but one of the primary or main arguments against it down through the years has been it “passed away” with the Apostles or “early” church.
I will address that specious argument in a following part.
God obviously knows better than anyone the importance of Words, i.e., doctrine, teaching. After all, He spoke the entire Universe into existence by speaking words, “Let there be…” (Genesis 1) and there was.
In Isaiah 28:10 we find these words, “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.” This is describing a process of growth. That is very important because God expects us to grow as His children, otherwise what is the point in being a disciple.
God inspired Paul to write an entire section on it in what we call 1 Corinthians chapter 12. (We will look at that in another part.)
In this teaching, I will be specifically focusing on praying in other tongues, in your personal, private prayer life. Not speaking in other languages in a church service or public gathering. Those are two distinctly different areas which were addressed in 1 Corinthians 12. That is very important to remember as you go through this teaching.

I will use the word languages sometimes in lieu of tongues because it is one of the Greek definitions and usage. Also, because it seems the word “tongues” connotes something mystical or even “weird” to some.
The Bible alone must be our final and absolute authority on any and all subject matters. Not a particular church denomination, person or group, no matter how well respected or highly esteemed they may be held in. Everything with God comes down to Faith that is based on His Word. The scriptures make that very clear.
Hebrews 11:6 states, “But without faith it is Impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is (exist), and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (NKJV)
It does not say it is difficult or hard to please Him without faith. It says it is Impossible.
So, the logical question then should be, HOW do we get this faith?
Well, God is not going to leave us wondering how to get something that He Himself says we must have in order to please Him.
Romans 10:17 says, “So faith COMES From Hearing, and Hearing by the WORD of God).” (nkjv)
This is why, as stated above, the number one reason why most true believers do not speak in other languages is because there is very little, if any teaching at all on this subject. Therefore, faith for it cannot COME, because over the centuries of church history, not only has it not be taught, but it has also actually been taught against and not explained from scripture.
Related: What Is Truth?
The Advertising Industry Gets It
To illustrate this truth, we can look no further than the Advertising industry in America.
According to market estimates, total media advertising spending in the United States in 2020 would amount to 225.8 billion U.S. dollars. That is Billion with a B!
By 2024, the figure is expected to grow to 322 billion dollars! (
Wow! Think about that for a moment. That is a tremendous amount of money. It seems we are so accustomed to hearing about millions and billions of dollars that we have grown numb to how much money these figures actually represent.
Why would companies spend so much money to advertise their goods or services? Well, the answer is obvious. It works!

What do I mean by that? It is the Biblical principle described in Romans 10:17, “faith comes by hearing.”
Even though the Bible is clearly speaking about faith toward God and the things of God, the principle applies to everyday, ordinary things, like advertising, marketing, shopping, etc. The industry knows that the more we hear about a product or particular service, the more inclined we will be to buy or use that service. It is not “rocket science” as the saying goes.
The advertising industry in America will show the same exact commercials over and over and over again. This goes on repeatedly, for weeks or months until they come up with a new campaign ad or slogan. The advertising world is unwittingly using a Godly principle, whether they realize it or not.
What does that have to do with the Holy Spirit and speaking with other tongues? Everything!
Because if believers do not Hear the clear teaching on this from scripture, then they cannot have faith to believe and receive this gift. And make no mistake about it. It IS a gift from God and is NOT of the devil as some Christians (even leaders) have said, even though they may have had good intentions. I will touch on that in the next blog post.
The Gift of Speaking in Other Tongues Was Prophesied
Many may not be aware that speaking in or with other languages was prophesied about in the Old Covenant and that about one-third of the Bible consist of prophesy. (Jesus’ life, death and resurrection amazingly fulfilled over 300 specific prophesies from the Old Covenant.) ( ( (
Isaiah 28:11 states, “For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people,”
The Old Covenant does not speak much about believers receiving the gift of speaking in other tongues because it is unique to the church age in which we live, which commenced on the day of Pentecost, Acts chapter 2, approximately 2000 years ago.
What Did Jesus Himself Say About Speaking in Other Tongues?
What did Jesus have to say about this speaking in other tongues thing?
We of course should have much more confidence and trust in what He said when He walked the earth 2000 years ago than someone in our lifetime many generations later.
Let’s go to the record.
Mark 16:14-17, “Later He appeared to the eleven disciples themselves as they were reclining at the table; and He reprimanded them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who had seen Him after He had risen from the dead. And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. The one who has believed and has been baptized will be saved; but the one who has not believed will be condemned. These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;'” (emphasis mine).
It is true that many scholars question whether these verses belong in the gospel of Mark. It is also true that some of the best Greek manuscripts do not contain these verses. However, it is also true that the overwhelming majority of Greek manuscripts in existence today do contain these verses.
It is also true that two of the earliest church fathers, writing from the beginning of the second century, quote from this passage. Therefore, it is clear, that from the very beginning, the church has accepted these verses as accurate, even if there were questions if Mark himself wrote them.
Another important point regarding these verses is that we find everything listed in these verses, recorded elsewhere in scripture as well.
The key to this passage is the word “believe.” Actually, we can say as we said above, that the key to the whole Bible is the word believe.
The entirety of the Bible all comes down to that. Those who choose to believe and those who choose not to believe. It is all a matter of the free will choice we make.
Related: Jesus Is the Truth
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit With the Evidence of Speaking in Other Tongues: What’s Next?
In the next parts of this teaching, we will touch on three or four common objections to speaking in other tongues. I will cover what the Bible teaches about Salvation and the Infilling of the Holy Spirit as two separate experiences.
I know that area has caused some debate and disagreement as well so let me be very clear as to what I am NOT saying.
I am NOT saying, nor does the Bible teach, that a person who has not experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by speaking in other tongues is not saved. The Bible does NOT say or teach that!
In the subsequent parts we will look at specific scriptural examples of what the Bible does record and tell us about this issue. Not what most denominational tradition has said.
We will also examine the PURPOSE, VALUE and SCOPE of the baptism in the Holy Spirt. That is extremely important because if we do not see or understand the purpose or value of anything, common sense and logic tells us we are very less likely to pursue it.
It is also important to address some of the common misconceptions about speaking in languages.
Until then, Maranatha. (Our Lord comes.)