“Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
As we start out this new year of 2024, most people are thinking about New Year’s resolutions, where a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal etc. But let us as believers in Jesus Christ think more in line of a lifestyle change…or a new thing! In Isaiah 43:19, this verse declares God’s plan to do a new thing in the wilderness and the desert, for Israel. The prophet Isaiah was sharing a word of encouragement and comfort to Israel, for they had been punished by Babylon and Egypt. What a hopeful announcement one would think. That God would restore them to the land He had given them was the blunt political reality of the prophet’s message.
Yet because the Judeans were still subject to Babylonian power, the announcement was also risky or so they thought. The message meant rebellion to the Judeans and possible brutal and violent displays of power from Babylon because of it. This would explain why they did not enthusiastically respond to the prophet’s message or why they had not called upon the Lord. (43:22-24) To do this would have meant really believing God’s power was stronger than the Babylonians, a high stakes political gamble if they were wrong.
The Lord wants to do a “New Thing” in you. Not a resolution but a lifestyle change. What are you desiring for this year? Call upon the Lord, no matter what it looks like in the natural step out and believe in God’s power. Before God’s will can come to pass in our lives, we must cooperate. His power is stronger than any other. He can do the impossible…Let’s make a lifestyle change not a resolution!