“Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”
“Never stop praying.”
I have been reading in 1 & 2 Samuel for several weeks and I have noticed a pattern with David. That pattern is that he would seek the will of the Lord, praying to Him for guidance in various battles and situations (for example: 1 Samuel 23:11-12, 1 Samuel 30:8 and 2 Samuel 5:22-24). We as believers should do the very same thing, have constant communication with Jesus.
Our lives can be cluttered with many distractions, but we must declutter our mind and seek God and His will in everything we do. We must pray without ceasing throughout the day. Oh yes, it can be done especially if you are born again and have the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.
Salvation and the infilling of the Holy Spirit are two separate experiences (John 14:17 and Acts 1:8). You must be born again first before you can receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Although we may have things happening all around us, a truly successful day is one where we stay in communication with the Father. Perhaps you are the type that must have a list and check things off to feel productive. Even as you think about your to-do list and all that must get done, one thing that you do not want to leave undone is communication with Jesus. He is speaking to us all the time, but the thing is are we listening to His still small voice. That peace that is nudging us to go this way or that way. Or to do this and not to do that.
Even when looking at your list ask the Holy Spirit which task is to be done first and which one can wait till a later time. I ask Him every morning to prioritize my day. You don’t have to be perfect at praying and communing with Jesus but get in the habit of doing it. As it says in Proverbs 3:6, “Seek His will in all you do…” If you have decisions to make, talk to Jesus. If it concerns you, He cares. (1 Peter 5:7) The Bible tells us if we lack wisdom that we can go to God and ask Him for wisdom (James 1:5). But let us not forget about verse 6 of James chapter 1:
“But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.” – James 1:6
This is a scriptural principle that applies not only to asking for wisdom, but whatever we desire, we must believe we receive when we pray (Mark 11:24) without wavering to receive.
Some of the trials we encounter may be self-inflicted. They are often due, at least to some degree, to a misstep on our part. We can ask for wisdom when we’ve messed up but how about talking to Him and asking for wisdom before we mess up? If we are in trouble, we can ask for His help and wisdom, and He gives it without rebuke. God is with us and for us. Having that constant communication throughout the day. Where we have our receptors tuned into the Holy Spirit and His guidance. Now that my friend is what I call a successful day.