the truth makes you free

Knowledge of the Truth Makes You Free!

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Knowing the Truth

Only those who continue in God’s Word become disciples and know the truth. This is speaking of more than intellectual knowledge. It is an experiential knowing like when Adam “knew” Eve and they had a child as a result (Genesis 4:1). It is intimacy that only comes with experience. When we continue in the truth of God’s word, until we know it, this is what we call a disciple. A person who continues in God’s truth until they experience freedom.

What Is Truth?

Truth is the highest form of reality that exists. Things in the world may seem to be factual but it doesn’t mean that they are the highest form of reality. God’s Word is the highest form of reality that exists.

What have you based your life on? Have you based it on the truth of God’s word or on what the world says? As believers we are to search the Scriptures, meditate on them, and commit them to memory.

Joshua 1:8 NLT “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”

Never Let Go of the Truth

As Jesus was praying to the Father in John 17:17 He said, “Sanctify them by Your truth; Your word is Truth.” Jesus communicates two important facts here: God’s Word is truth—God’s Word equals truth—and it’s by that truth that God sanctifies us, or sets us apart, making us holy. The way we are made holy is through God’s Word. Anyone wanting to escape the corruption of this world must escape through God’s Word (2 Peter 1:3-4). All other attempts to exit this corruption will fail. There is no other way out. So those who are trying things other than God’s Word are trapped.

Is God’s Word the Most Important Thing in Your Life?

Knowing and applying the truth of God’s word and what it says, will make you a better husband, a better wife, a better father or a better mother, and the list goes on. We must value the word of God and allow it to be the final authority in our lives. The word makes all the difference in your life. The Bible is God speaking to us. We are what He says we are and we can do what He says we can do. We can have what He says we can have. So, if you don’t know what God says about you then you need to get in the word and find out the truth for yourself. No matter how many times you’ve heard or read the scriptures, never think you know all there is to know about it. Always value the word of God. Never get tired of studying the word, for it is inexhaustible.

The things we value the most influence how our lives turn out. Clarify today what is most important to you (1 John 2:15, Hebrews 2:1). The person that hears the truth of what the word says and does them, not just reads it, is like a wise person that built his house on a rock. That person applies the word/truth and acts upon it. The person that hears the word, reads it and does not do it is like a foolish person who built his house on sand (Matthew 7:24-27).

Which one are you?

We must never allow truth to slip away. We cannot afford to be spiritually lazy. God’s way works all the time. Stay faithful to His word, for it is this truth that will make you free.

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